Curating Your Life to Create Change


I am so glad you are here. However you found me, I’m guessing it means that you are stressed the fuck out.

Let me know if this sounds like you: You are fed up. 

 You are tired and stressed and feel it all day every day. You know that from the outside things are great, but the inside… Well inside it feels like you are barely holding it together or its already chaos and you’re hoping no one notices.  

Being in a constant state of stress is exhausting. You can’t make a change or don’t know what choice is the right one. You might be snapping at your partner or friends, not sleeping and let me guess. Stomach aches and headaches way too often. I feel you.  

This just isn’t sustainable.  

You know your life is not meant to be this way. This is not what “they” promised you. They are right. You shouldn’t have to be that rubber band that is about to snap.  

You are not alone and you’re in the right place. I help women overcome stress and overwhelm. 

If you are ready to finally get out of the hell that has become your stressed out mind, I am ready to help.

Schedule a consultation call today to see if I can help you get back to your life free from stress.

What is coaching?

What people are saying:

When she was helping me through my writing process, I was able to tap into parts of myself I was not aware I had.

All my life, I struggled with writing so much that I lost all confidence in the activity. However, she made me more confident in my writing skills and opened my eyes to new writing approaches that were reachable for me.

-S, coached through Art Therapy Grad School Applications

I have learned so much about myself in my sessions with Alyssa over the past six months….The gentle, encouraging environment she creates helps guide me into a practice of self-compassion and awareness.
